Ensure Your Mission-Critical Websites and Applications Meet Business Goals

In today's competitive business environment, all organizations would want their critical websites and web applications to be available and performing at optimal levels at all times. Any unwanted downtime or degradation in performance has the potential to impact revenue. Since most organizations outsource hosting of their mission-critical business applications to third-party service providers, they need to implement strict Service Level Agreements (SLA) to ensure high standards of IT service.

Site24x7 provides SLA management capabilities that help online businesses define service level agreements and track their compliance. The agreements can contain service performance metrics for the levels of availability, response time or both, and their corresponding service level objectives. Once the agreements are in place, organizations can then measure the quality of service provided by the service providers. SLA violations, if any, can be known in advance so that companies can take action to ensure their online reputation is not adversely affected.

Service providers can also leverage the SLA management capabilities of Site24x7 to ensure they consistently deliver on service commitments. They can rapidly respond to service issues and also provide proof of service delivery.

SLA Management

Key Benefits:

  • Easily align business needs to IT infrastructure.
  • Reduce operational costs and improve efficiency of IT services.
  • Support for industry-standard best practices such as ITIL.
  • Improve end-user satisfaction.
  • Reduce disputes with your service provider and improve relationship.

To start using our SLA Management features and take control of your business applications and infrastructure, all you need to do is sign up for a free trial account. No installation required. No software to maintain. Nothing to lose.

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