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Convertisseur d’unités de données gratuit

Convertissez les données d’une unité à une autre unité requise à l’aide du convertisseur d’unités de données. Entrez la valeur des données et son unité courante et obtenez ses valeurs équivalentes.

Qu’est-ce qu’un convertisseur d’unités de données ?

Un convertisseur d’unités de données convertit une valeur d’une unité à une autre. En langage informatique, l’unité fondamentale est le bit. 8 bits correspondent à 1 octet.

1 byte = 8 bits
1 kilobyte = 1000 bytes
1 megabyte = 1000 kilobyte and so on.

Cet outil de conversion est pratique si vous souhaitez calculer des données d’une unité à l’autre à des fins diverses, comme la diffusion de vidéos, le calcul de bande passante de votre site web, etc.

Data units explained: your guide from Bits to Gigabytes

Bits (b)

The smallest data unit, representing a single binary value (0 or 1). It forms the basis of all data storage.

Kilobits (kb)

Equal to 1,000 bits. Often used to measure data transfer rates, such as internet speeds.

Megabits (mb)

Equal to 1,000 kilobits or 1,000,000 bits. Commonly used in network speed measurement.

Gigabits (gb)

Equal to 1,000 megabits or 1,000,000,000 bits. Used for high-speed internet and data transfer metrics.

Terabits (tb)

Equal to 1,000 gigabits or 1,000,000,000,000 bits. Used in large data storage and transfer contexts.

Petabits (pb)

Equal to 1,000 terabits or 1,000,000,000,000,000 bits. Typically used in data center and large-scale computing environments.

Bytes (B)

A unit of digital information that consists of 8 bits. Often used to represent a single character of text.

Kilobytes (KB)

Equal to 1,024 bytes (or 1,000 bytes in decimal representation). Commonly used to measure file sizes.

Megabytes (MB)

Equal to 1,024 kilobytes or approximately 1 million bytes. Widely used to quantify file sizes, memory, and storage capacity.

Gigabytes (GB)

Equal to 1,024 megabytes or approximately 1 billion bytes. Commonly used to measure storage capacity in computers and smartphones.

Terabytes (TB)

Equal to 1,024 gigabytes or approximately 1 trillion bytes. Used to represent large storage capacities in data centers and enterprise applications.

Petabytes (PB)

Equal to 1,024 terabytes or approximately 1 quadrillion bytes. Typically used in big data and cloud storage environments.

Binary data size units

Kibibytes (KiB)

Equal to 1,024 bytes. A binary equivalent to kilobytes used in computing.

Mebibytes (MiB)

Equal to 1,024 kibibytes or approximately 1 million bytes. Used to describe memory and storage in a binary context.

Gibibytes (GiB)

Equal to 1,024 mebibytes or approximately 1 billion bytes. Used for computer memory and storage specifications.

Tebibytes (TiB)

Equal to 1,024 gibibytes or approximately 1 trillion bytes. Used in computing for storage capacities and memory.

Data grouping units

Nibble (nibble)

Equal to 4 bits, representing half a byte. Often used in computing to describe hexadecimal values.

Character (char)

A unit of information that represents a single letter, number, or symbol in text. Typically stored as one byte in most character encoding systems.

Word (word)

A fixed-sized group of bits processed as a unit by a particular computer architecture. The size of a word varies by architecture (commonly 16, 32, or 64 bits).

Mword (MWord)

A measure of data equivalent to 1,000,000 words. Used in contexts where large data sizes are processed.

Qword (QWord)

Equal to 2 words or 64 bits. Commonly used in computing, particularly in 64-bit architectures, to represent large data types or addresses.