Help Docs

Publishing a Status Page

You can publish your status page on our subdomain (you can also host it on your preferred domain). It can be accessed by clicking on View Status Page in your status page. For example,

You can edit this subdomain URL using the Status Page URL field in Edit Status Page.

Once the status page is piblished, you can share it with your users via various channels. Learn more.

Set your browser's time zone
StatusIQ offers you an option to change the time zone of your published status page. By clicking the Settings icon , on the top right side of your public status page, you can choose your preferred time zone from the drop-down list and click Save.

Set your language preference

This is a Green page feature. You can now view your status page in a language of your preference. By clicking the Settings icon on the top right side of your public status page, you can choose your preferred language from the drop-down list and click Save. We support 55+ languages including French, Bahasa Indonesia, Japanese, Chinese, Thai, German, Portuguese, and Spanish.


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