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.NET Agent- Release Notes

.NET agent version 6.6.0

02 July 2024

Issue fix:

  • The issue with Azure and AWS component instrumentation has been fixed. [.NET and .NET Core]

.NET agent version 6.5.2

12 June 2024

Issue fix:

  • Decoupling AsyncLocal variable upon completion of an asynchronous method in a particular thread ( fix for memory leak in background service apps). [.NET and .NET Core]

.NET agent version 6.5.1

22 May 2024


  • Support for .NET 8. [.NET Core]
  • Support for disabling AppFilter for EBS extension installations. [.NET Core]
  • Added limit for custom parameter collection based on size. [.NET and .NET Core]

Issue fix:

  • The issue with the AspNetCoreWebHostBuilderFactory and the finish tracker parameter mismatch has been fixed. [.NET Core]

.NET agent version 6.5.0

23 April 2024


  • Support for async transactions. [.NET and .NET Core]
  • Support for Regex for parsing merge queries. [.NET and .NET Core]
  • Support for fetching AppPoolId from the command-line as a backup. [.NET Core]
  • Replaced the function getenv() with a Windows API call to get environment variables in the profiler. [.NET and .NET Core]

.NET agent version 6.4.3

01 March 2024

Security issue fix:

  • The APM agent installation and configuration directory has read/write permissions only for the current users and administrators, preventing other users from modifying files. [.NET]

.NET agent version 6.4.2

04 January 2024


  • Provision for ignoring cloud environment detection (if required). [.NET and .NET Core]
  • Changed the copyright year in NuGet's loader package API. [.NET Core]

Issue fixes:

  • The issue with reading the form parameter values has been resolved. [.NET and .NET Core]
  • The loading agent issue in the self-contained application has been resolved. [.NET Core]

.NET agent version 6.4.0

26 October 2023


  • Support for migrating APM monitors from one account to another. [.NET]
  • New data centers have been added for SA, CA, and the UK. [.NET and .NET Core]
  • Improved installation, upgrade, and uninstallation speeds. [.NET]

Issue fixes:

  • The service configuration file not found error during manual upgrade has been fixed. [.NET]
  • The issue with the tray icon added during Windows startup persisting throughout Windows restart has been resolved. [.NET]
  • The issue with filtering by Windows service name has been fixed. [.NET Core]

.NET agent version 6.3.0

25 September 2023


  • Added an agent tray icon to show a shortcut to all agent-related tools. [.NET]
  • The.NET Framework version check for installing agent MSI has been removed. [.NET]
  • Added a separate XML-based configuration file for the Windows service filter. [.NET Core]
  • Support for .NET 7.0 in Azure app services. [.NET Core]

Issue Fixes:

  • The issue with the Health monitor tool that showed the Loading profiler failed warning message when the w3wp processes were idle has been fixed. [.NET]
  • The problem with the competing profiler warning message in the Azure App Service extension diagnostics portal has been resolved. [.NET and .NET Core]
  • The issue with AWS token detection, when Use Instance Metadata Service Version 2 is enabled in an AWS EC2 instance has been resolved. [.NET and .NET Core]
  • The issue with the Azure app service's auto-scaling instance, which was sending data to only the latest spawned instance, has been fixed. [.NET and .NET Core]

.NET agent version 6.2.0

05 July 2023


  • Support for tracking the response body for API transactions. [.NET Core]
  • Support for SQL call tracking using the common database command. [.NET]

.NET agent version 6.1.0

19 June 2023


  • Support for .NET 7.0 applications. [.NET Core]
  • Support for external calls made via the WebClient provider in .NET. [.NET]
  • Support for including response code in external HTTP requests and displaying it in the trace. [.NET]
  • Capture the trace when the synthetic key is present in the request header. [.NET and .NET Core]
  • Support for .NET core applications built on top of the .NET Framework. [.NET Core]

    Created a separate agent DLL for net461 and netstandard2.0 in the NuGet package.

Issue Fix:

  • The issue with capturing requests with a sampling factor when the route is different has been resolved. [.NET Core]

.NET agent version 6.0.2

 21 March 2023

Security issue fix:

  • Encryption of license key in agent logs for both .NET and .NET Core agents.

.NET agent version 6.0.1

 02 March 2023


  • Support for specifying the APM application name via the command line during agent MSI installation. [.NET]

.NET agent version 6.0.0

06 February 2023


  • Supports reading the hostname and website name from the environment variable in Azure app services. [.NET and .NET Core]
  • Supports MVC route data tracking and transaction names customization. [.NET Core]
  • The application status is synced with the monitor status in the .NET agent. [.NET]

Issue Fixes:

  • The issue with getting a trace for a failed external component has been resolved. [.NET and .NET Core]
  • Support for tracking background SQL calls as a separate request can now be enabled or disabled. [.NET and .NET Core]

.NET agent version 5.9.2

08 December 2022


  • Immediate configuration update during application startup is supported. [.NET]
  • For auto scaling, the host type AZURE VM has been changed to AZURE. [.NET and .NET Core]

.NET agent version 5.9.1

05 December 2022


  1. Support for tracking web method in ASPX. [.NET] 

    The URL with the web method will be included in the transaction name.

.NET agent version 5.9.0

30 November 2022


  • .NET core startup instrumentation for.NET core 2.x and later versions. [.NET Core]
  • Support for capturing an instance's IP address list. [.NET and .NET Core]
  • Support for external call tracking via HTTP Client. [.NET]
  • Integrating RUM trace ID with APM transactions. [.NET and .NET Core]

.NET agent version 5.8.0

30 September 2022


  • Support for capturing Request wait time for transactions in IIS. [.NET]
  • Support for RabbitMQ. [.NET Core]
  • Permissions for the agent custom logs directory path are set. [.NET]
  • Agent custom logs are included in the health monitor diagnostic zip. [.NET]

Issue Fixes:

  • The issue with creating a monitor with a new instance name after cloning the server with the APM agent has been resolved. [.NET and .NET Core]
  • The standalone app filter configuration sets COR_PROFILER even though it was not configured during the agent upgrade. This issue has been resolved. [.NET]

.NET agent version 5.7.1

06 September 2022


  • Support for .NET 6.0 applications. [.NET Core]
  • Redesigned to track all 4xx and higher errors. [.NET Core]
  • Support for Redis. [.NET Core]

Issue Fix:

  • Fixed an issue with getting the entire stacktrace in the Serilog provider. [.NET and .NET Core]

.NET agent version 5.7.0

17 August 2022


  • HTTP Client support for tracking remote calls. [.NET]
  • Revamped .NET Core startup instrumentation. [.NET Core]
  • Support for tracking SQL calls running in background tasks. [.NET and .NET Core]
  • Application filter option enable/disable added for profiler via config file. [.NET Core]

Issue Fixes:

  • The issue with collecting SQL parameters has been resolved (When a user clears the SQL parameters in their application, the APM agent is not able to collect the SQL parameters). [.NET and .NET Core]
  • IIS issue with count mismatch when running a WCF application in classic mode has been resolved. [.NET]
  • The issue with transaction merge patterns not being cleared in the Edit configuration tool has been resolved. [.NET]

.NET agent version 5.6.1



Support for Windows Docker containers. [.NET and .NET Core]

Issue Fix:

An issue with the Profiler detecting .NET Core applications hosted on IIS has been fixed.

.NET agent version 5.6.0



Issue Fixes:

  • The issue of printing unwanted log prints in the agent tracker factories has been fixed. [.NET and .NET Core]
  • There was an issue with error tracking when an exception occurred in the PreSendRequestHeaders event; this has been fixed now. [.NET]
  • An issue that occurred during the restart of the agent service has been fixed. The application pool recycle should now happen only after the service has been successfully started. [.NET]

.NET agent version 5.5.1



Server Integration support for .NET and .NET core applications hosted in the cloud environment.

.NET agent version 5.5.0



  • Standalone application support for .NET core in Linux.
  • Custom instrumentation for .NET Core agent added via NuGet package.
  • Support for Entity framework for both .NET and .NET core.
  • Support for collecting .NET core application environment details in the .NET agent during diagnostics.
  • Added note for App filter config in .NET core installation.
Issue Fixes:
  • ‌Casting request response time from long to int data type to sync at the collector end.
  • ‌SQL parameter collection when the value is in quotes.
  • ‌Reading process environment variable in agent diagnostics. [.NET Core]

.NET agent version 5.4.0



Issue Fixes:
  • Issue with Custom instrumentation configuration tool when the namespace is not available, in .NET applications - this issue has been fixed.
  • Fixed issue with encoding, when reading config file in profiler.
  • Issue with custom instrumentation in .NET Core applications - this issue has been fixed.

.NET agent version 5.3.1


Issue fix:

Issue: Host or IP address in external call was not being collected when the IP wasn't getting resolved during data collection in agent.

Fix: If the IP is not resolved, the host details are sent without the IP.

.NET agent version 5.3



Performance optimization - Agent load on application CPU is optimized. Learn more

.NET agent version 5.2 



Database name is displayed under Traces.

.NET agent version 5.1


Security fix:

Read/Write permission for APM agent configuration file is set only for the current user and administrators.  

.NET Core agent version 4.8



.NET agent version 5.0



  • Monitoring support for MongoDb, Azure Service Bus, and Elasticsearch calls.
  • Checksum verification to validate the integrity of the downloaded agent

.NET agent version 4.9



Issue fix:

  • Exception traces were collected only when there was a increase in response time - this issue has been fixed and now exception traces are collected irrespective of the response time

.Net agent version 4.8.1


Issue fix:

  • Issue in tracking exception message when text contains double quotes - this issue has been fixed.
  • Issue while resetting IIS variable in command line parameter - this issue has been fixed.
  • Communication issue with the Health Monitor with few data centres - this has been resolved.

.NET Core Version 4.7.0



  1. Support for Self contained applications.
  2. Monitoring support for .NET Core 3.1 applications.
  3. Agent can be loaded via a Loader API Nuget package.
  4. Agent can be added via Nuget package.
  5. Support for tracking App parameters.
  6. Support for tracking Custom params.
  7. Support for tracking HTTP Headers.
  8. Enhanced agent diagnoser tool for troubleshooting agent specific issues.

.Net Version 4.8



  1. Revamped Health Monitor tool for collecting diagnostic data.
  2. Inner exception stack trace are captured along with exception stacktraces.
  3. Enhanced Standalone app configurations in agent configuration tool.

Issue Fix:

  1. Issue in profiler for printing the standard output in the console - this has been fixed.
  2. When the External server call hidden configuration is set, it was back to the default value. (external.servercall.enabled=true) - this issue has been fixed
  3. The Response code metric in instance-level was not captured - this has been fixed

.NET Core Version 4.6



.NET Version 4.7



.NET Core Version 4.5



  • Support for distributed tracing
  • Support for tracking asynchronous calls
  • Support for tracking HTTP client components in remote calls

.NET Core version 4.4



  • Support for custom instrumentation
  • Support for Azure Function Apps
  • Transactions can be renamed using Agent API
  • Exceptions can be tracked using Agent API

Version 4.6



  • Errors and exceptions can be tracked in Web API applications.
  • Transaction names can be customized. 

Version 4.5.1


Issue fix:

  • If agent auto upgrade does not work automatically, users can download the latest agent from the static download link for the latest .NET agent version. 

Version 4.5.0


Issue fix:

  • .NET desktop applications and windows service applications are considered as separate application types. 
  • Windows services are now monitored automatically without any manual updates in service configuration file. 

Version 4.4.0



Issue fix:
  • Mismatch in method calls count in transaction trace have been fixed
  • Package loading issue in custom instrumentation manager tool has been fixed

Version 4.3


Enhancements [.NET]

  • You can now receive monitoring support for PostgreSQL provider version 4.0.6
  • You can now track exceptions captured via Application Insights Logger

 Issue fix: 

  • No need of server reinstallation while mapping IIS server from APM Insight .NET agent.


Enhancements [.NET Core]:

  • Agent can automatically detect .NET Core applications hosted on IIS server.
  • Agent can detect application type based on framework description.
  • Monitoring support for .NET Core applications that are hosted as self contained deployments.
  • Monitoring support for .NET Core version 2.2.0

Version 4.2.0


Product code: {CC9910B6-5C66-416E-8B73-051D709E0361}


  • [.NET Core] - Monitoring support for applications built on .NET Core 2.0 and above.


  • Data processing method has been enhanced from single thread to multiple threads for faster data collection and processing. 

Issue fix:

  • DB queries were considered as individual transactions in background transactions - this issue has been fixed. 

Version 4.1.0


Product code: {86224476-5728-4E42-8170-CC303CA0F9FC}


  • Full request URL is shown for all web transactions
  • Monitoring support added for Microsoft SQL Server CE 
  • Refferer URL is captured as corresponding web transactions for the CMS - Dot Net Nuke

Support for Azure Web applications


Monitor your Azure web applications developed in .NET framework using APM Insight .NET agent - this support is available from APM Insight .NET agent version 4.0

Version 4.0


Product code: {2116CAED-91B5-43DE-A368-90D3BFE7364A}

New Feature

  • Ending support for .NET 2.0 in accordance with the latest TLS compliance. Henceforth, .NET applications built in versions .NET4.0 can be monitored with .NET agent version 4.0

Version 3.9.1


Product code: {AB25BCBA-B6EC-4A4B-BCDC-8F0FB1FCE486}

New Feature

Issue fix:

  • Crashing of site core apps due to JIT optimization and inlining cnfigurations in profiler has been fixed. 
  • DB calls, happening in the background were ignored in certain cases - this has been fixed . 

Version 3.9.0


Product code:{2E2A1A5D-E89F-4573-9492-A95F65B9A426}


  • Proxy passwords have been encrypted and GDPR changes are implemented

Version 3.8.0


Product code:{9BEC458C-2E56-46BA-87DA-6A775DE5199F}

New feature

  • Support for managed standalone applications - monitor the performance of Windows applications developed in .NET. You can also monitor the performance of Console apps developed in .NET using APM Insight .NET agent.
  • Monitor the performance of Windows Services developed in .NET using APM Insight .NET agent


  • For web services, user defined service method can be viewed under Traces
  • MSMQ calls can be tracked
  • Execution time of Un-instrumented blocks of code are shown in Traces

Issue fix

  • Redundant web service URLs have been removed from Traces

Version 3.7.0


Product Code : {75463350-71AE-495C-95B5-F1274B77BD95} 

New feature

  • Bulk installation tool - Deploy .NET agent across multiple servers in the same AD simultaneously


  • Performance improvements - reduced load on user request thread by moving data processing into 09arate thread
  • Smart sampling - Adjust sampling factor based on CPU usage 
  • Support for ELMAH and NSpring logging providers

Version 3.6.1


Product Code : {B3A902AC-7BCD-4A16-90C9-D9744EBA51CC}

Issue fix

  • Stopped agent communication to collector for non-monitored or deleted applications

Version 3.6.0


Product Code : {D2D4E4DC-FB3D-44A7-9117-BA54893AFAA9} 


  • Prefixing method type(POST/GET) in API call transactions
  • Retry monitor creation when monitor addition fails due to license exceeded/expired (for 15 days) 

Issue fix 

  • Fix for profiler getting unregistered during server restart
  • Added configuration to ignore exceptions based on the exception type

Version 3.5.0 


Product Code : {C6649F9B-60C5-41E7-8ADD-8BE467D735BB}

New Feature

  • ASP.NET Core support - beta-1.0.0

Issue Fix

  • Application filter issue fix - 09arated for web application and windows application

Version 3.4.0 


Product Code : {2F2DC000-4671-4C72-BC9B-DF6BF30181D5}


  • Failed component tracking

Version 3.3.1


Product Code : {663A8B41-7613-45B9-B6FC-783CFDDB89B9}


  • Serilog support
  • Increased number of metrics collected per minute

Issue Fix

  • Fix for thread profiling causing 100% cpu usage during peak loads

Version 3.3.0 


Product Code : {EBD3BD54-4AC5-4FEE-956D-F140FD95877E} 


  • Thread Profiling support
  • Launch Custom Instrumentation manager tool at the end of installation
  • "Select all" option to add assembly methods in Custom Instrumentation manager
  • Added loop count to avoid repeated trace items for SQL related methods based on query operation
  • POCO component removed
  • Configuration for Startup debug level 

Issue Fix

  • Fix for Auto update scheduled tasks date format

Version 3.2.0 


Product Code : {7A9B71D4-54A0-43A5-ABCE-59B2457541ED}  


  • Configuration to show loop count, recursion count and minimum tracker duration

Version 3.1.0 


Product Code : {6B4B5FCC-4B93-41BC-919B-54F529A29F5E} 


  • Detecting host name for cloud environments
  • Performance enhancements in configuration UI
  • Parameter count in profiler configuration

Issue Fix

  • Fix for application crash in instrumenting certain Web API calls
  • Tracking SQL select query failed in specific versions of the driver 
  • Admin mode issue in resetting IIS post installation

Version 3.0.0 


Product code : {C93E8469-C581-408C-9BA7-D6A974BEF09D}

New Feature

  • Enterprise Library database provider support
  • Framework methods instrumentation moved to a json based config file. 
  • Enable/disable profiling at method level
  • Custom parameter support using agent API


  • Health monitor: troubleshooting messages for license key empty and IIS status
  • Options to fix known problems like profiler not loaded or license exceeded

Issue Fix

  • Fix for profiler crash 

Version 2.9.0 


Product Code : {C93E8469-C581-408C-9BA7-D6A974BEF09D}


  • Custom instrumentation tool and API manager tool enhancement
  • Added recursive methods count and loop count for repeating methods in traces
  • Added total count and SQL count in traces
  • Debug mode configuration enhancement
  • Agent performance improvements

Issue Fix

  • Tracker creation during SQL Exception
  • Configuration update from server side

Version 2.8.0 


Product Code : {92A26362-D927-4FF9-893B-3908B3AB6879}


  • Handling new response codes from server side

Issue Fix

  • Fix for profiler crash in 32 bit process
  • Fix for agent not sending data

Version 2.7.1


Product Code :{2B501CE0-7782-4F1F-8EC4-8D1D74314D17}

Issue Fix

  • Fix for installer crash 

Version 2.7.0  


Product Code :{25C7C656-38F0-4B48-91B2-EB2127CDB7D6} 


  • Configurations moved from agent to server side

Version 2.6.4 


Product Code :{B53700AE-ECFC-4E1B-81FB-72079F5FC460}


  • Detecting AWS and Azure Hosts for handling auto scaling

Issue Fix

  • Fix for profiler not detecting service status
  • Fix for Agent sending requests without license key

Version 2.6.3


Product Code :{60496F37-F7F7-4A27-A2F3-9B59EA234D22}


  • Disable profiler when agent service is not running

Issue Fix

  • Fix for profiler crash while tracking WCF calls

Version 2.6.2


Product Code :{E2866978-EE88-40FD-BB29-4DAB2DB1726C}


  • Support for OLEDB components
  • Show user defined method names for Web service calls in Traces
  • Dropping duplicate traces and keep only the most time consuming trace
  • User defined thread names

Issue Fix

  • Fix for Agent failing to send data on restarting server
  • Component time calculation changed to exclude sub components' time 

Version 2.6.1


Product Code :{7E3C72CF-A47E-4CDF-A2DB-3D52E27BA3EB}

Issue Fix

  • Fix for application crash while using Ninject

Version 2.6.0


Product Code :{13C01D73-B54C-4B64-8D48-A1AB12847C0F}

New Features

  • Capturing Http error codes


  • Show user defined method name in traces for MVC applications
  • Profiler logging performance improvement
  • Removed MFC dependencies in profiler and installer
  • Configuration update from server side improvements
  • SQL query details in SQL exception messages in traces.
  • Recent 5 traces in database operations

Issue Fix

  • CPU time calculation for individual transactions

Version 2.5.3


Product Code :{7826B07D-A9FA-49C7-8026-E567834B6918}


  • Multimonitor support enabled by default. Monitor creation will be done at the application level, instead of the host level 

Version 2.5.2

Product Code :{673A2BFC-D4D9-4DDD-BB36-399639BC2DE8} 


  • Trace enhancements - Added priority to capture/ignore traces
  • Criteria to capture traces will be based on SQL/External Components count in addition to response time

Issue Fix

  • Tracking components for background services captured at application level 

Version 2.5.1


Product Code :{B56C126A-330C-41DE-9A29-792E0A7EACAD}


  • Include server logs in Health monitor if available
  • Default component name set to "OTHERS"
  • Added Minimum tracker threshold for trace
  • Memory improvements in profiler
  • External call url in traces

Issue Fix

  • Installer will automatically elevate to admin mode during installation
  • Issue in profiling GetResponse method in ASP.NET 5

Version 2.5.0


Product Code :{A38E6B07-E223-49CE-98FB-5C1DBE706F66}

New Features

  • IIS Monitoring integration. Add IIS monitor from APM Insight and vice versa
  • Azure component support


  • App filters can be modified without agent service restart
  • Healthmonitor tool UI enhancements
  • Windows service restart will only recycle app pools instead of IIS reset

Version 2.4.3


Product Code :{E8D83616-5548-48E9-B62A-D8162B5C113A}


  • API Manager included by default in installer

Issue Fix

  • Fix for CLR Runtime exception using HttpRecordError
  • Fix for SQL Exceptions not shown in errored sequence 

Version 2.4.2


Product Code :{25CFAC6F-4124-4136-8A29-72CC1399A28E} 


  • Support for AWS services 

Issue Fix

  • Fix for tracking method endings during handled exceptions

Version 2.4.1


Product Code :{50B28A53-C4B4-48F3-AA17-4380BB13F337}  

Issue Fix

  • Fix for Auto upgrade failure in agent v2.3

Version 2.4


Product Code :{CFD7A3C5-D08C-40BA-8105-F3D3FE486BC1} 

New feature

  • Tracking logged exceptions for popular logging frameworks like NLog, log4net and enterprise library


  • Improvements in tracking error transactions
  • Agent API for tracking error

Version 2.3



  • Merging x64 and x86 agents into one common installer

Issue Fix

  • Fix for tracking MySQL which caused exceptions in latest version of mysql drivers

Version 2.2


New Feature

  • External calls support added.
  • Custom component support in Agent API 
  • Stack trace support in Agent API for errors
  • Handled exceptions for SQL and Agent API


  • Component data collection enhanced
  • Added tracking exception type with count 

Version 2.1.2 


New Feature

  • Tracking Http Params for POST methods


  • Added configuration for enabling debug mode

Issue Fix

  • Array length issue in agent communication
  • Healthmonitor made to launch in administrator mode always

Version 2.1.1 


Issue Fix

  • Windows server 2003 GAC assemblies update issue fix
  • Fix for failure in downloading msi during auto update

Version 2.1


New Feature

  • Auto update to support weekly schedule or one time schedule
  • API Manager support (Requires .NET 4.0)


  • Overwrite competing profilers on agent installation
  • Memory optimzation using protobuf serialization
  • Healthmonitor option to fix profiler loading issues

Issue Fix

  • Fix for profiler loading issues by registering profiler dll from system path for Windows server 2003

Version 2.0


New Feature

  • Support for agent upgrade with installer. Installer now replaces older version of the agents while retaining the configuration
  • API Manager tool


  • Remove dependency with web.config for naming applications

Version 1.9


Issue Fix

  • Fix for SSL v3 (poodle bug) issue

Version 1.8.4



  • Proxy credentials are now encrypted in the agent configuration file

Version 1.8.3


New Feature

  • Support for OLEDB


  • Handling exceptions in agent-collector communications, and retry mechanism improvements

Issue Fix

  • Healthmonitor: Resolved bug in detecting Site24x7 server connectivity

Version 1.8.2 


New Feature

  • Health Monitor 
  • Compatibility with .NET 4.0 framework


  • Agent dlls unified into one single namespace

Version 1.8.1


Issue Fix

  • Tracking SQL Exceptions caused crash in 32 bit applications

Version 1.8


New Feature

  • Tracking Background transactions 
  • Support for transaction renaming and auto grouping


  • Performance enhancements 

Version 1.7


New Feature

  • Support for transaction grouping 

Issue Fix

  • Fix for irregular configuration updates

Version 1.6.2


New Feature

  • Support for App filters in IIS 6.0

Version 1.6.1 


New Feature

  • Support for SQL Exceptions
  • Support for XML querying using SQL objects
  • Multi monitor option in configuration dialog


  • Obfuscating numerical data with '*'
  • Capturing configuration errors in configuration dialog

Issue Fix

  • Fix in log level updates

Version 1.6.1 


New Feature

  • Application filters in configuration UI
  • Azure web services support (beta)


  • Logging enhancement

Version: 1.5



  • Agent-collector communication enhancements

Issue Fix

  • MSI version in sync with agent version

Version: 1.4


New feature

  • Multi monitor GA
  • Support for tracking transactions having errors along with stacktrace


  • Performance enhancements - Memory and CPU usage 

Version: 1.3


New feature

  • Multi monitor support (beta). Each IIS application can be monitored separately

Version: 1.2


New feature

  • Sampling factor support


  • Performance enhancements - Memory and CPU usage

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