Help Docs

Threshold and Availability Profiles for a VoIP Monitor

Once a VoIP monitor is successfully added to your Site24x7 account, you can create a threshold and availability profile, and configure conditions for different metrics for the alarms engine to determine if a specific resource has to be declared critical or down. 

Add a threshold and availability profile

  1. Log in to your Site24x7 account.
  2. Click AdminConfiguration ProfilesThreshold and Availability.
  3. Click Add Threshold and Availability on the Add Threshold Profile screen and select Threshold Profile from the drop-down menu.
  4. Specify the following details:
    • Monitor type: Select VoIP monitor from the drop-down list.
    • Display name: Provide a label for identification purposes.
  5. From the Set Threshold Values drop-down menu, choose the desired metrics for which thresholds need to be configured. Enter a value specific to the unit, and set the threshold conditions (e.g., <, <=,=, !=,>, or >=) and the monitor state (to be notified as) for each metric. You'll receive alerts when these threshold conditions are violated.
  6. For VoIP monitors, you can configure thresholds for the following metrics:
    Mean Opinion Score (MOS), Round-Trip Time, Jitter (Source to Destination), (Destination to Source), Latency (Source to Destination), and Latency (Destination to Source). 
  7. Additional settings: For each of these threshold configurations, you can also select an Automation step and an Event reason template.
    Note You can select configlets as an Automation step. However, the step will be executed only if the network device is also added as an NCM monitor.
  8. Advanced Threshold configuration: Set complex alert conditions using logical operators across multiple attributes to accurately detect anomalies using advanced threshold settings.
  9. Click Save. The threshold and availability profile created for the VoIP monitor will be automatically listed on the Threshold and Availability screen along with any profiles you've already created.

Edit a threshold and availability profile

  1. Go to AdminConfiguration Profiles Threshold and Availability. Alternatively, you can navigate to Network > VoIP Monitors and click a device. Click the hamburger icon and click Edit. Then, click the pencil iconbeside the Threshold and Availability field in the Configuration Profiles section.
  2. Select the profile that you'd like to edit.
  3. Edit the necessary parameters in the Edit Threshold Profile window.
  4. Click Save.

Delete a threshold and availability profile

  1. Go to AdminConfiguration Profiles Threshold and Availability.
  2. Select the profile that you'd like to delete in the Threshold and Availability screen.
  3. This will redirect you to the Edit Threshold Profile window.
  4. Click Delete.

Associate a threshold profile with a VoIP monitor

  1. Go to NetworkVoIP monitor.
  2. Click the hamburger icon next to the desired VoIP monitor, and click Edit.
  3. In the Edit VoIP Monitor window that opens, under Configuration Profiles > Threshold and Availability, choose a threshold profile from the drop-down menu. You can also add a new profile, and click Save.

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