Threshold and Availability for SharePoint Server
Once the SharePoint monitor is successfully added to your Site24x7 account, add a threshold and availability profile to help the alarms engine decide if a specific resource has to be declared critical or down. Configure downtime rules to reduce false alerts.
While setting up a threshold profile, you can also map automation(s) to desired attribute(s). Once the threshold is breached, the corrective automation will be executed and the issue can be fixed without manual intervention. You can map upto five corrective automations per attribute.
- Add a threshold profile
- Advanced settings (Strategy)
- Edit a threshold and availability profile
- Delete a threshold and availability profile
Add a Threshold Profile
- Log in to Site24x7.
- Go to Admin > Configuration Profiles > Threshold and Availability > Add Threshold Profile. You can also navigate via Server > Server Monitor > Servers > click on the monitor > hover on the hamburger icon beside the display name > Edit > Configuration Profiles > pencil icon beside Threshold and Availability.
- Specify the following details:
- Monitor Type: Select Microsoft SharePoint Server from the drop-down.
- Display Name: Specify an appropriate name for the threshold and availability profile.
- Threshold Type: You can choose between Static and AI-based thresholds. Refer the below section for the entire list of metrics for which thresholds can be set.
- Static Thresholds: From the drop-down menu, choose the desired metrics for which thresholds need to be configured. Enter a value specific to the unit, and Set the threshold conditions (<, <=, =, >, or >=) and the monitor state (to be notified as) for each metric. You'll receive alerts when these threshold conditions are violated.
- AI-based Thresholds: The AI-based threshold will track the abnormal spikes using anomaly detection and will offer a dynamic threshold which will be updated accordingly. If you're choosing AI-based threshold, choose associated anomaly severity and the status accordingly.
- Advanced Threshold Settings (Strategy):
Poll count serves as the default strategy to validate the threshold breach. You can validate threshold breach by applying multiple conditions (>, <, =, >=, <=)on your specified threshold strategy. The monitor’s status changes to Trouble or Critical when the condition applied to any of the below threshold strategies hold true:- Threshold condition validated during the poll count (number of polls): Monitor’s status changes to Trouble or Critical when the condition applied to the threshold value is continuously validated for the specified “Poll count”.
- Average value during poll count (number of polls): Monitor’s status changes to Trouble or Critical, when the average of the attribute values, for the number of polls configured, continuously justifies the condition applied on the threshold value.
- Condition validated during time duration (in minutes): When the specified condition applied on the threshold value is continuously validated, for all the polls, during the time duration configured, monitor’s status changes to Trouble or Critical.
- Average value during time duration (in minutes): Monitor’s status changes to Trouble or Critical, when the average of the attribute values, for the time duration configured, continuously justifies the condition applied on the threshold value.
Multiple poll check strategy will not be applied by default. During the conditions where no strategy could be applied, the threshold breach will be validated for a single poll alone.
Tip - Save your changes. The threshold and availability profile created for the monitor will be automatically listed in the Threshold and Availability screen along with the others already created.
List of Metrics Supported
- General Thresholds:
- Notify when SharePoint service is offline: Get notified as Down, Trouble, or Critical when the SharePoint service goes offline. By default, it is set as Yes.
- Notify when admin service is stopped: Get notified as Down, Trouble, or Critical when the admin service is stopped. By default, it is set as Yes.
- Notify when timer service is stopped: Get notified as Down, Trouble, or Critical when the timer service is stopped. By default, it is set as Yes.
- Notify when trace service is stopped: Get notified as Down, Trouble, or Critical when the trace service is stopped. By default, it is set as Yes.
- Notify when user code service is stopped: Get notified as Down, Trouble, or Critical when the user code service is stopped. By default, it is set as Yes.
- Notify when writer service is stopped: Get notified as Down, Trouble, or Critical when the writer service is stopped. By default, it is set as Yes.
- Notify when search service is stopped: Get notified as Down, Trouble, or Critical when the search service is stopped. By default, it is set as Yes.
- Notify when office search service is stopped: Get notified as Down, Trouble, or Critical when the office search service is stopped. By default, it is set as Yes.
- Notify when service instance is down: Get notified as Down, Trouble, or Critical when a service instance is down. By default, it is set as Yes.
- Notify when web application is down: Get notified as Down, Trouble, or Critical when a web application is down. By default, it is set as Yes.
- Notify when content database is down: Get notified as Down, Trouble, or Critical when a content database is down. By default, it is set as Yes.
- Failed Access Insert Requests/sec: Get alerted as Critical or Trouble when the number of insert requests that failed per second meets the condition set for the configured value.
- Failed Access Delete Requests/sec: Get alerted as Critical or Trouble when the number of delete requests that failed per second meets the condition set for the configured value.
- Average InfoPath form session: Get alerted as Critical or Trouble when the average time taken to complete a form filling session meets the condition set for the configured value.
- InfoPath submit data connection failure rate: Get alerted as Critical or Trouble when the failure rates of the data connections during the form filling sessions meets the condition set for the configured value.
- Publishing Cache misses/sec: Get alerted as Critical or Trouble when the miss rate on the publishing cache meets the condition set for the configured value.
- Failed timer jobs: Get alerted as Critical or Trouble when the number of failed timer jobs meets the condition set for the configured value.
- Visio error requests/sec: Get alerted as Critical or Trouble when the number of requests returned due to errors meets the condition set for the configured value.
- ASP errors/sec: Get alerted as Critical or Trouble when the total number of errors occurring per second meets the condition set for the configured value.
- ASP requests waiting for service/sec: Get alerted as Critical or Trouble when the total number of requests waiting from the queue for service meets the condition set for the configured value.
- ASP requests rejected due to insufficient resource: Get alerted as Critical or Trouble when the total number of rejected requests due to insufficient resources meets the condition set for the configured value.
- ASP current session count: Get alerted as Critical or Trouble when the number of current sessions being serviced meets the condition set for the configured value.
- ASP pending transactions count: Get alerted as Critical or Trouble when the number of pending transactions meets the condition set for the configured value.
- OSS gatherer threads accessing network: Get alerted as Critical or Trouble when the number of threads awaiting a response from the filter process meets the condition set for the configured value.
- OSS gatherer threads waiting for plugins: Get alerted as Critical or Trouble when the number of threads waiting for plugins to complete an operation meets the condition set for the configured value.
- OSS gatherer documents waiting for robot threads: Get alerted as Critical or Trouble when the number of documents waiting for robot threads meets the condition set for the configured value.
- OSS gatherer documents delayed due to site hit frequency rules: Get alerted as Critical or Trouble when the number of documents delayed due to site hit frequency rules meets the condition set for the configured value.
- OSS archival plugin failed queries: Get alerted as Critical or Trouble when the number of queries failed meets the condition set for the configured value.
- OSS archival plugin queues waiting: Get alerted as Critical or Trouble when the current number of queues waiting to send data to the property store meets the condition set for the configured value.
- OSS archival plugin documents marked for retry: Get alerted as Critical or Trouble when the number of marked documents for retry by the plugin meets the condition set for the configured value.
- OSS archival plugin total documents waiting for a queue: Get alerted as Critical or Trouble when the number of documents waiting to be queued meets the condition set for the configured value.
- Excel calculation services total requests retured with error/second: Get alerted as Critical or Trouble when the number of active requests, sessions, and chart requests per second for Excel Calculation Service meets the condition set for the configured value.
- Search Gatherer Thresholds:
- Total count of server objects recently accessed by system: Get notified as Critical or Trouble when the number of server objects recently accessed by the system exceeds the configured value.
- Total count of documents delayed: Get notified as Critical or Trouble when the number of documents that are delayed due to site hit frequency rules exceeds the configured value.
- Total crawls in progress: Get notified as Critical or Trouble when the number of crawls in progress exceeds the configured value.
- Total count of document access retries: Get notified as Critical or Trouble when the total number of times a document access has been retried exceeds the configured value.
- Average batch size: Get notified as Critical or Trouble when the batch size exceeds the configured value.
- Bad content messages count: Get notified as Critical or Trouble when the number of unparsable messages delivered to indexing exceeds the configured value.
- Bad query messages count: Get notified as Critical or Trouble when the number of unparsable messages delivered to querying exceeds the configured value.
Edit a Threshold and Availability Profile
- Click the profile which you want to edit.
- Edit the parameters which needs to be changed in Add Threshold and Availability window.
- Click Save.
Delete a Threshold and Availability Profile
- Click the profile in the Threshold and Availability screen which needs to be deleted.
- This will navigate to Add Threshold and Availability window.
- Click Delete.