Troubleshooting serialization issues in .NET: A guide to handling complex data structures

Serialization plays a fundamental role in .NET development. It enables you to transform objects and their states into a format that’s easy to store and retrieve. However, serialization poses unique challenges when working with complex data structures.

This article explores common serialization issues in .NET and their implications. You’ll learn how to use popular libraries such as Json.NET and DataContractSerializer to handle these complexities effectively. You should have some experience with JSON and .NET to follow along.

Understanding serialization issues in .NET

As a developer navigating complex data structures, you may often grapple with serialization challenges, including circular references, type discrepancies, and the demand for customized serialization logic.

Circular references

Circular references occur when an object refers back to itself, forming an infinite loop during serialization. This looping can cause a system to hang or crash, throwing code exceptions.

Type discrepancies

Type discrepancies emerge when the serialized object’s data type doesn’t match the expected data type. This inconsistency can cause unpredictable behaviors, including application failures.

Custom serialization logic

Custom serialization logic becomes necessary when standard serialization methods don’t meet your specific needs. For instance, you might need to serialize an object’s specific properties or change the serialization format altogether if the code doesn’t effectively address these customization needs.

Understanding these challenges and their implications is your first step toward achieving more effective serialization in .NET. The following sections explore practical solutions to these challenges.

How to overcome circular references in serialization

One of the most popular .NET serialization tools is Json.NET. This library offers robust built-in support for handling circular references. You can use the PreserveReferencesHandling property to tell Json.NET how to handle circular references.

Set PreserveReferencesHandling to Objects for Json.NET to preserve object references when serializing and deserializing. This approach effectively resolves the challenge of circular references.


To follow along with this tutorial, you need:

  • .NET Core SDK
  • .NET development environment
  • Json.NET
  • Classes from .NET Framework Class Library (FCL)
    • System.Runtime.Serialization
    • DataContractSerializer

How to preserve object references

Consider a real-world scenario where the Server class represents a server in Site24x7, and a server might reference another server for load balancing or backup. The following example demonstrates a circular reference in this Server class:

public class Server 
public string Id { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public Server BackupServer { get; set; }

Here, BackupServer could potentially cause a circular reference if the servers back up each other. You can address this issue using the code below:

Server server1 = new Server { Id = "1", Name = "Server1" };
Server server2 = new Server { Id = "2", Name = "Server2", BackupServer = server1 };
server1.BackupServer = server2; // This creates a circular reference.
string jsonString = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(server1, new JsonSerializerSettings
PreserveReferencesHandling = PreserveReferencesHandling.Objects

This example has set PreserveReferencesHandling to Objects, which preserves object references. The JsonConvert.SerializeObject function serializes the server1 object into a JSON string with circular reference handling. The output includes $id and $ref properties in the JSON string to ensure correct referencing and avoid circular references.

The jsonString that the serialization process generates should look like the following output:

"BackupServer": {
"BackupServer": {

How to ignore circular references

Another way to treat the circular reference challenge is with the ReferenceLoopHandling.Ignore option. This approach ignores circular references rather than preserving or throwing an error. In the Server class example, this method looks like the following:

string jsonString = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(server1, new JsonSerializerSettings
ReferenceLoopHandling = ReferenceLoopHandling.Ignore

And here’s the resulting JSON string:

"Id": "1",
"Name": "Server1",
"BackupServer": {
"Id": "2",
"Name": "Server2"

In this case, during serialization, the code ignores the reference to server1 in the BackupServer of server2.

How to manage type discrepancies during serialization

The .NET framework offers various solutions to manage type discrepancies during serialization. These include the BinaryFormatter, ideal for preserving type fidelity within a .NET environment, and the XmlSerializer, suitable for XML-based serialization.

The most prominent solution is the DataContractSerializer, which boasts outstanding performance, flexibility, and extensive support for complex data types. Just like DataContractSerializer, Json.NET supports serializing derived types. It uses the $type property in the JSON to store the serialized object’s type.

DataContractSerializer is highly configurable and can handle complex situations, such as serializing derived types or specifying which properties to include or exclude during serialization. You can set the KnownTypes attribute to tell the serializer about potential derived types it might encounter during serialization. This approach addresses type discrepancies.

Another helpful DataContractSerializer feature is the ability to control serialization using the DataMember and IgnoreDataMember attributes. These attributes let you specify which properties to serialize.

How to handle type discrepancies

This section shows you how to handle type discrepancies using DataContractSerializer. Consider a scenario with a base class, Server, and a derived class, WebServer. The base class has properties common to all servers, while the derived class has additional properties specific to web servers:

public class Server
public string Id { get; set; }

public string Name { get; set; }

public class WebServer : Server
public string Url { get; set; }

Now, create a WebServer object and serialize it using DataContractJsonSerializer:

WebServer webServer = new WebServer { Id = "1", Name = "WebServer1", Url = "" };
DataContractJsonSerializer serializer = new DataContractJsonSerializer(typeof(Server), new Type[] {
typeof(WebServer) });

The above code tells the DataContractJsonSerializer about the WebServer type by passing it in the knownTypes parameter. This approach ensures that the serializer can correctly serialize the WebServer object, even though the declared type is Server.

Finally, you serialize this object to a JSON file below.

using (FileStream stream = new FileStream("server.json", FileMode.Create))
serializer.WriteObject(stream, webServer);

This code writes the serialized WebServer object to a file named server.json.

How to implement custom serialization logic

While standard serialization works for most situations, sometimes you may need to implement custom serialization logic. Examples include serializing only specific object properties, changing the serialization format, or handling complex data structures that standard serialization doesn’t support.

Json.NET provides robust support for custom serialization logic. Features like custom converters and contract resolvers allow you to override the default serialization behavior.

A custom converter in Json.NET lets you control how to convert an object to and from JSON. In contrast, a contract resolver lets you customize how Json.NET serializes properties and objects.

How to use Json.NET for custom serialization

The following section shows you how to implement custom serialization logic using Json.NET. You can restart from the Server class. In this case, the class includes a Dictionary of Metrics property, which captures various server performance metrics:

public class Server 
public string Id { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public Dictionary<string, double> Metrics { get; set; }

Suppose you want to serialize the Metrics dictionary so that each key-value pair transforms into an object with the properties MetricName and Value. This isn’t the standard way to serialize dictionaries, so you’ll need a custom converter.

Create a custom converter in Json.NET as follows:

public class MetricsConverter : JsonConverter
public override void WriteJson(JsonWriter writer, object value, JsonSerializer serializer)
var metrics = (Dictionary<string, double>)value;
JArray array = new JArray();
foreach (var kvp in metrics)
JObject obj = new JObject
{ "MetricName", kvp.Key },
{ "Value", kvp.Value }
public override object ReadJson(JsonReader reader, Type objectType, object existingValue, JsonSerializer serializer)
// Implement this if you need to deserialize your custom format
throw new NotImplementedException();

public override bool CanConvert(Type objectType)
return objectType == typeof(Dictionary<string, double>);

Now, use this converter to serialize a Server object:

Server server = new Server  
Id = "1",
Name = "Server1",
Metrics = new Dictionary<string, double>
{ "CPU_Usage", 20.5 },
{ "Memory_Usage", 45.3 }
string jsonString = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(server, new JsonSerializerSettings
Converters = new List<JsonConverter> { new MetricsConverter() }

In the JSON output below, the Metrics dictionary transforms into an object array. Each object represents a metric:

"Id": "1",
"Name": "Server1",
"Metrics": [
"MetricName": "CPU_Usage",
"Value": 20.5
"MetricName": "Memory_Usage",
"Value": 45.3

Now you know how to apply custom serialization logic in Json.NET to meet your specific application requirements.


Although serializing complex data structures poses challenges, you can use libraries like Json.NET to handle circular references or DataContractSerializer to manage type mismatches. Json.NET also enables you to customize your serialization approach to get your application’s desired results.

Now that you know the basics of how to overcome serialization challenges, you can ensure your application is performant, robust, and secure. Keep exploring these libraries’ advanced features to tailor your approach to your application’s needs. Then, you can get a Site24x7 account to monitor your new application for performance issues.

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